Jim Laflamme is the vocalist and guitarist of one of Montreal’s best Heavy Metal band: Lüger. Their sound contains a variety of influences: at times, you can definitely hear a strong Speed Metal vibe but they’re just as effective when they bring in the heavy, Doomy riffs. That variety keeps things interesting from riff to riff and from songs to song. Regardless of genres and categories though, the most important thing you should know about Lüger is that their brand of Heavy Metal is raw and dirty and they definitely play it furiously.
They released their first album last summer on Rapid Fire Records and it quickly sold out. Luckily, a second pressing has been made available by The Alchemy Lab Records. Make sure not to miss their upcoming shows, March 14th at the SXSW Stoner Jam in Austin, TX, and March 26th in Montréal with LUCIFER and SPELL! You won’t regret it, they’re one hell of a live band!
Name five songs that you consider “perfect songs” and explain why or what they mean to you.
Symptom Of The Universe by BLACK SABBATH (1975): Man! What can I say? That main riff is just too badass, one of the first more “extreme” heavy metal song in my opinion. The ending is also incredible with this little stoned up jam. I love it.
Dirt by THE STOOGES (1970): What a raunchy and groovy song, really gets you in the mood! Dirty as fuck.
The Chase Is Better Than The Catch by MOTÖRHEAD (1980): I mean everything is perfect in this song! A low tempo Motörhead tune is always fucking heavy and dangerous, the lyrics and the vocals are nasty and the main riff is killer. All I like about Heavy Metal.
Scream Dream by TED NUGENT (1980): The definition of Hard Rock right there.
All Your Sins by PENTAGRAM (1985): The definition of Doom Metal right there.
Which music genre do you listen to the most? List your five favorite albums in that genre.
I’m all over the place with music genres to be honest haha! I can switch from like 3 different styles within an hour and I’m a big music listener but nowadays I’m really into Old School Blackened Death and Speed Metal.
VENOM – At War With Satan
BATHORY – Under The Sign Of The Black Mark
MIDNIGHT – Shox Of Violence
POSSESSED – The Eyes Of Horror
I’m also into Horror Soundtracks and Instrumental Exotica.
Werewolves On Wheels by DON GERE
Requiem Pour Un Vampire/Jeunes Filles Impudiques by JEAN ROLLIN.
You can find these on Finders Keepers Records (an incredible rarities and underground masterpieces label).
The Demons soundtrack by CLAUDIO SIMONETTI
Goblin and all the work they did with DARIO ARGENTO
The Las Vegas Grind and Jungle Exotica Compilations both on Strip Records (Crypt)
LES BAXTER- The Exotic Moods/ Hell’s BellesGANIAM AND HIS ORIENTAL ORCHESTRA – Come With Me To The Casbah
The perfect stuff when i’m cooking or cleaning.
I recently watched the excellent first season of Mike Judge: Tales From The Tour Bus, which I really recommend, so I’m in a big hype for Outlaw Country too, lately.
Your five favorite rappers of all time? Name one song that best exemplifies what makes them great.
I really dig Old School Rap but I’m more into crews than solo artists. Here’s my list:
WU TANG CLAN – 36 Chambers, The W
EAZY-E – Starring…
KMD – Black Bastards
Honorable Mentions: N.W.A (Straight Outta Compton), FLATBUSH ZOMBIES (Drugs), CAPITAL STEEZ who passed too young… I mean really too young.

What’s the album you’ve listened to the most in your life? Do you still listen to it?
Damn! That’s a tough one cause when I love an album I listen the shit out of it haha. I’d say THE CRAMPS – Bad Music For Bad People. I still listen to The Cramps constantly.
What are some of your favorite song lyrics? Lyrics that have been important to you or that had an impact on you?
As a lyricist it is really important for me obviously, I mean as I see it, an album has to tell a story just like a book or a movie. I’d say LEONARD COHEN, NICK CAVE, TOM WAITS and JIM MORRISON are my favorites lyricists/poets.
Do you have an absolute all time favorite band or musical artist? What makes them so special to you?
PLUME LATRAVERSE and TOM WAITS because both are genuine artists who knew how to reinvent themselves through the years without selling their souls. They stayed outside the conventions of the industry, combining multiple genres such as Blues, Rock n’ Roll, Jazz, World Music, etc.. And they never took themselves too seriously. I think comedy is really important in arts! Those are the reasons why they are truly inspiring for me.
What are your ten favourite albums of all time (all genres)? Name a standout track on each of these albums.
Got to cheat just a little…
THE STOOGES – Funhouse/Raw Power (1970-1973): Dirt and Search And Destroy
BLACK SABBATH – Master Of Reality/Sabotage(1971-1975): Children Of The Grave and Megalomania
JUDAS PRIEST – Defenders Of The Faith (1984): The Sentinel
MOTÖRHEAD – Ace Of Spades (1980): The Chase Is Better Than The Catch
THIN LIZZY – Thunder and Lightning (1983): This Is The One
PENTAGRAM – Turn To Stone compilation (2002): Relentless
Q65 – Revolution (1966): Get Out My Life Woman
THE CRAMPS – Psychedelic Jungle (1981): Primitive
THE SEEDS – A Web Of Sound (1966): Pictures And Design
THE SONICS – Here Are The Sonics (1965): The Witch
That wasn’t easy…
Do you remember the first time you really appreciated an album or a song?
I grew up in the Montreal area in the 90’s and my mom was a big CHOM 97.7 fan back then, so a lot of AC/DC, AEROSMITH, SCORPIONS, QUEEN played all around me as I grew up… I’d say that all the Classic Rock legends helped to forge my musical journey.
What were you listening to in elementary school? then in high school? How have your musical tastes evolved since?
I have to admit, I was into Nu Metal back in elementary school… and I don’t especially regret it haha. Damn what a hell of an era, back when heavy shit was cool. I was a big KORN and DEFTONES fan and I still listen to Around The Fur sometimes…
Then I bought my first Punk Rock album which was Give Me Convenience Or Give Me Death by DEAD KENNEDYS, it started it all! On one hand I was digging for BAD BRAINS, BLACK FLAG, THE DAMNED, FEAR, THE GERMS and MINOR THREAT and on the other I was also really into New Wave or Goth stuff like JOY DIVISION, BAUHAUS, ALIEN SEX FIEND, DEVO and THE B52’s … My grandfather bought me my first guitar at that time. I was 12 or 13 years old and I learned to play a lot of Punk gems and literally ALL NIRVANA songs haha.
At 15 or 16 I started to explore the roots of Punk and Rock n’ Roll. I Discovered Blues, R&B, 60’s Garage, Psychedelic and Surf Music and I’m still really into it!
I don’t think that my musical tastes changed at all cause I’m still in love with all the bands I was listening to back then, it’s just that my musical baggage never stopped increasing through the years, I’m always looking for some new stuff to listen to. I’m very curious about music and arts in general.
What beloved music do you share with your parents (or children if you have kids)? Any specifics memories?
I share 80’s Heavy Metal and Glam with my parents. They were real heshers back in the days! Haha. My dad kept all his show tickets from the 80’s and the 90’s and I have to admit that I’m a little jealous about what he saw even if he doesn’t remember everything of this particular period haha. MÖTLEY CRÜE, OZZY, DIO, VAN HALEN you name it. I mean he was there at the peak of Heavy Metal.

Most memorable show you’ve ever seen? What makes it stand out?
I’d say IGGY AND THE STOOGES back in 2008. What a show, a true Rock n’ Roll lesson for me. So much energy and raw power! Yes, I said it… and it was just before Ron Asheton died. Sadly, the band got robbed after the gig and two bouncers beat the shit out of me, but the show was worth it haha.
I’m also really grateful to have seen BLACK SABBATH, JUDAS PRIEST and MOTÖRHEAD just before Lemmy passed away.
Is there any band that you’ve always wanted to see live but never had the chance to catch them?
THE CRAMPS! Their shows seemed wild and unpredictable as fuck. Lux Interior is one of my biggest idols, I get to see all my heroes live but him… He passed when I was 16, I still remember that day. I skipped my classes to get shit faced haha.
What music or artist has been the most influential to you as a songwriter? Do you change what you listen to when you write music? Do you have a go-to record that you use for inspiration? How have these influences changed over the course of your songwriting career?
As I said above, I’m all over the place when it comes to music genres. When I’m writing songs I guess I’m unconsciously digging into my musical background and I’m picking up stuff from every art sphere, from movies to books I read etc… usually I got my little ritual before I start composing a tune burning up incense trying not to be too intoxicated, I think I’m better sober, I’ve thrown away a lot of songs that I wrote wasted and finally found out it was garbage haha.
What is the most impressive band you’ve played with?
We played with THE SKULL earlier this year and it was awesome and exciting to play with legends, we’ve always been huge TROUBLE fans and to hear some of our favorite songs live was great. Really nice people too!
Do you have an artist that you love in a genre that you don’t usually listen to? What makes them stand out?
I don’t listen to today’s pop music but I like LADY GAGA.
GG ALLIN was wise.
I really dislike GHOST and NOBODY is gonna change my mind about that haha.
If you could create your dream band (with any musicians, dead or alive), who would play which instrument.
Ozzy on vocals, Iommi on guitar, Geezer Butler on bass and Bill Ward on drums haha. Or SABBATH but with Lemmy on vocals!
What albums have been on heavy rotation lately?
Desolation Boulevard by THE SWEET
What are some up and coming artists that you would recommend?
COLTER WALL. The guy is just 23 and his songwriting is on point, and what a voice!
What are you listening to right now, while answering these questions?
The DUKE NUKEM 3D soundtrack by ANDREY AVKHIMOVITCH. Before that I was listening to The Guillotine by VULTURE and I’ll probably put on some BLUE ÖYSTER CULT later.

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