To see a band grow and morph is a fabulous thing. Few bands have the ability to drastically evolve their sound from one release to the next, yet mesh it into a natural progression and Cave In definitely achieved that feat. The fury of Beyond Hypothermia, the weightlessness of Jupiter and the Pop power of Antenna, each redefinited Cave In and it was a beautiful thing to see it all fuse together into their later records. This culmination is very tangible on the ill-fated Final Transmission and its spacey, heavy and melodic sound.
Out on Hydra Head Records, half the proceeds from Final Transmission are going to the Caleb Scofield Memorial Fund, honouring the band’s late bassist, who tragically passed away in a road accident in 2018.
Catch Cave In on their current West Coast tour, with long-time friend Nate Newton (Converge) handling bass duties, and explore the multiple musical projects by Stephen (Mutoid Man, Old Man Gloom) and Adam (Nomad Stones).
Name five songs that you consider “perfect songs” and explain why or what they mean to you.
S: First Light by HAROLD BUDD/BRIAN ENO. It’s like a soft cloud of memory encapsulating my first experiences with a musical instrument: experimenting with a stand up piano that belonged to my grandmother.
Fight Fire With Fire by METALLICA. This was my introduction to Metal. A call to arms. Also melodically more atonal, more sinister and uglier than anything from Kill ‘Em All.
I Let My Mind Wander by WILLIE NELSON. Willie’s songs have a way of depicting the human experience with humor and wit unparalleled by any other singer. The unpredictable placement of his cadence relaxes the intensity of the story’s content and makes the lesson learned here feel somewhat lighthearted.
To Ramona by BOB DYLAN. A wonderful love song about the sometimes complex feelings that manifest simply because of what it takes to truly be there for someone.
Sometimes by STILL LIFE. This song both sonically and lyrically timestamps the moment when I chose to immerse myself in the world of Punk/Hardcore that surrounded me starting in the mid 90’s.
Which music genre do you listen to the most? List your five favorite albums in that genre.
S: At home, I listen to things that work well being played in the background while doing other stuff: MONOTON – Dancing And Singing, COCTEAU TWINS W/HAROLD BUDD – The Moon And The Melodies, BRIAN ENO – Ambient 4: On Land, MAMMIFER – The World Unseen, PYRAMIDS w/NADJA split. I guess the technical term would be ambient music, but I feel any one of these releases can promise a fruitful listening experience given one’s full attention.
Your five favorite rappers of all time? Name one song that best exemplifies what makes them great.
S: SHOCK G, simply for The Humpty Dance. RZA, for his dedication to managing all the various components that made WU-TANG such a collective force of art. YOUNG MC, because I have a soft spot for The Fastest Rhyme. NOTORIOUS BIG, for the mix of fire and spit that accompanies his every word blasting into the mic. KOOL KEITH, for giving the world Dr. Dooom and flying the freak flag higher and more bravely than most.
What’s the album you’ve listened to the most in your life? Do you still listen to it?
S: FAITH NO MORE’s The Real Thing is up there. Repeated listens at a young age caused some hearing damage in my left ear. When warming up for shows, I can usually rely upon singing any number of lines from this album to get my voice and brain feeling like they’re in a good spot.
What are some of your favorite song lyrics? Lyrics that have been important to you or that had an impact on you? It could be a specific line or verse, or the general work of a particular lyricist.
S: “I am a scientist, I seek to understand me, all of my impurities and evils yet unknown / I am a lost soul, I shoot myself with Rock n Roll, the hole I dig is bottomless but nothing else will set me free”. Hearing this song by GUIDED BY VOICES makes me feel better about the wiring and inner workings of my musical spirit.
Do you have an absolute all time favorite band or musical artist? What makes them so special to you?
S: LED ZEPPELIN is the band that contains all the colors of the Rock n Roll rainbow and sets the standard for what a trancendantal musical statement entails.
What are your ten favourite albums of all time (all genres)? Name a standout track on each of these albums.
S: CONVERGE – Halo In A Haystack – Antithesis
QUICKSAND – Slip – Freezing Process
HELMS ALEE – Weatherhead – Pretty As Pie
AT THE GATES – Slaughter of the Soul – Blinded By Fear
OZZY OSBOURNE – Randy Rhodes Tribute – Mr. Crowley
CODEINE – The White Birch – Washed Up
SUNNY DAY REAL ESTATE – Diary – Song About An Angel
MEGADETH – Rust In Peace – Holy Wars/The Punishment Due
THE BREEDERS – Last Splash – Do You Love Me Now?
GIANTS CHAIR – Red And Clear – Mother Brother Sister Lover
Do you remember the first time you really appreciated an album or a song?
AM: The first Song I loved was THE BEACH BOYS Barbara Ann. First Album: DEF LEPPARD: Hysteria
What were you listening to in elementary school? then in high school? How much of that music is still a part of your playlists today? How have your musical tastes evolved since?
AM: KISS was the first band I loved and obsessed with. I spent my elementary school years digesting the Kiss discography. I prefer the early years however the Hair Metal years certainly have some golden nuggets. By middle school my older cousin whom turned me onto Kiss introduced me to METALLICA. From Metallica I got turned onto MEGADETH and those were my favorite Heavy Metal bands. My later middle school years into high school was dominated by the MTV Grunge wave: NIRVANA, SOUNDGARDEN and ALICE IN CHAINS, etc. Nirvana was then my gateway into Punk Rock and Hardcore. Learning about indie labels like Sub Pop and “underground” bands like EARTH and the MELVINS. The floodgates blew open and I dove right into Hardcore/Punk. Bands like FUGAZI, CONVERGE, RORSCHACH, LINCOLN, HOOVER, DEADGUY, PIEBALD, QUICKSAND, DAMNATION AD, BORN AGAINST etc. I still love and listen to everything mentioned above. My musical tastes evolved into just being exposed to more music when I left METHUEN and on my own in Boston. My college years were dominated by RADIOHEAD OK Computer and PINK FLOYD’s discography.
What beloved music do you share with your parents? Any specifics memories?
AM: I got my love of the BEATLES from my parents. They would play The Beatles: 1962-1966 cassette over and over again in the family car. My mother always loved CROSBY STILLS NASH AND YOUNG which completely puzzled me growing up. I never understood why she liked it or thought it was any good but now as an adult they are one of my favorite classic Rock groups to listen to.
Most memorable show you’ve ever seen? What makes it stand out?
AM: I’ve seen to many so it’s tough to narrow down. Seeing ROGER WATERS 2 years ago was incredible. I attended the concert with my wife and brother and we were floored by the performance. Just hearing songs we have loved for years being performed along with the craziest arena Rock production I have ever seen. It was one of the only arena Rock shows where I forgot that I was in an arena. I was so immersed in the music, psychedelic imagery and flying pigs. The lyrics which I had known and heard countless times in my life were now cutting me like a knife in all new “coming of age “ sort of ways.

Is there any band that you’ve always wanted to see live but never had the chance to catch them?
What is the most impressive band you’ve toured with? The one that you just had to watch every night? Did you learn anything from them/by watching them?
AM: NEUROSIS. They showed us how it was done. How to treat people. How to operate and be professional. How to bring the fire every night.
Is there any classic / universally acclaimed artist that you missed out on when they first came out and discovered way later? Any artist that you didn’t like at first and learned to appreciate over time?
AM: I always equated FLEETWOOD MAC being my parents boring adult contemporary music but as an adult I love their records. I was late to JUDAS PRIEST and am happy to have a wealth of classic Metal records to digest in my forties. Sometimes your just not ready for things till a specific time in your life.
Do you have an artist that you love in a genre that you don’t usually listen to? What makes them stand out?
AM: I’m not a Blues aficionado at all but I love spinning the CHARLEY PATTON, ROBERT JOHNSON and SON HOUSE discographies. Almost like alien sounds and messages from another dimension and time.
Do you have any controversial/unpopular music related opinions that you would like to defend?
AM: I like ROLLING STONES disco songs. I like LED ZEPPELIN’s Reggae and Cha Cha songs. Trans is a good NEIL YOUNG record. Come Taste the Band is one of the best DEEP PURPLE records. DIO Sabbath is just as good as Ozzy Sabbath.
What band or artist do you believe has achieved the most flawless sequence of 3 records in a row?
AM:BIG STARS three albums are pretty flawless. METALLICA’s first three are flawless. NEIL YOUNG After the Gold Rush, Harvest, Time Fades Away, On the Beach and Tonight’s the Night is epically flawless output.
Which artists (2 or more), dead or alive, and from what era, would you dream to see collaborate?
AM: Neil Young in early 70’s or LEE SCRATCH PERRY during Black Ark Era.
What albums have been on heavy rotation lately?
AM: SWANS – Leaving Meaning, GRAHAM NASH – Wild Tales, BOB DYLAN – Bootleg Series vol 11: Basement Tapes Raw, TORCHE – Admission, JUDAS PRIEST – Defenders of the Faith.
What are some up and coming artists that you would recommend?
Is there a band that you’ve discovered live recently that blew you away?
AM:WAR ON WOMEN. They just toured with Cave In and blew me away every night.
What are you listening to right now, while answering these questions?

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