TEKE::TEKE’s emergence circa 2017 as a 7-piece tribute band for little known outside of Japan 60’s and 70’s Surf Rock movement called Eleki did not herald the success they would soon find in their native Montreal and subsequently international music scenes. It turns out that there’s an appetite for cleverly crafted Eleki and Psychedelia with a modern 514 twist, and both the fans and the press were quick to realize that theirs wasn’t a novelty act. As the band started releasing more original material and adding eccentric vocalist Maya Kuroki’s unique lyrics to the mix (namely on their EP Jikaku released in 2018, which featured both covers and originals) along with their unusual Rock lineup incorporating Japanese trad instruments, a flute and a trombone, TEKE::TEKE found its voice as a truly individual flavour in the city’s music scene.
Deeply rooted in the Eleki movement, the band name refers to both the sound of the surf guitar (teke-teke-teke…) and a Japanese slang that teenage surfers in Japan use to call out posers (or surfers that wear surfer clothings but don’t actually surf). Coincidentally, it also means ‘people’ in certain African dialects. In contrast to that light take, dark spirits often make their way into the bands’ lyrics and aesthetics so that even listeners who aren’t versed in the Japanese language can easily appreciate the mysterious atmosphere that emanates from the songs, reminiscent of summer nights spent telling ghost stories as children.
Currently signed to Kill Rock Stars and having just released their first LP Shirushi internationally, there’s no telling where TEKE::TEKE’s well-crafted stories and unique Psych style will take them next. Three of their members, guitarists Serge and Hidetaka and bassist Miksha generously took the time out of their busy schedule to share with us some cross-genre musical suggestions that are sure to broaden your horizons (especially if your knowledge of the Japanese music catalogue stops at City Pop).
TEKE::TEKE’s album Shirushi is out now on Kill Rock Stars.
Your favorite music
Answers by Serge Nakauchi Pelletier (guitars)
Which music genre do you listen to the most? List your five favorite albums in that genre.
What I listen to is all over the place. I honestly don’t think I listen to one genre more than another. Although I do listen to a lot of Hip-Hop, Soul music, and original film soundtracks. So maybe for the sake of this question, and because the next one is about rappers, I’ll just pick five of my all-time favorite soundtrack albums (out of so many more, including more recent ones and a bunch of older obscure ones, but hey, I gotta name five so…). Most of these I heard when I was a kid and they stuck as personal favorites.
ENNIO MORRICONE – My Name Is Nobody (1973)
DAVID BYRNE & RYUICHI SAKAMOTO – The Last Emperor (1987)
PHILIP GLASS – Mishima (1985)
GIORGIO MORODER – Midnight Express (1978)
HIKARU HIYASHI – Kuroneko (1968)
Your five favorite rappers of all time? Name one song that best exemplifies what makes them great.
That’s always a tough one. I honestly can’t name only five, I have to name at least, um, 12! Also, please note that these are my ‘favorite’ MCs, a choice based around my own set of criteria as opposed to naming who the ‘best’ MCs are. My favorite MCs not only have lyrical and verbal skills, I pick them for the content of their lyrics, their artistry, their intelligence, and the actual sound of their voice.
(In no particular order…)
RAKIM – Microphone Fiend
KRS-ONE – Rhyme Scheme
Q-TIP – Excursions
YASIIN BEY (aka Mos Def) – Auditorium
TALIB KWELI – Re-definition
COMMON – The Sixth Sense
ANDRÉ 3000 – Mighty O
MF DOOM –That’s That
LADYBUG MECCA (of Digable Planets) – The May 4th Movement
LAURYN HILL – How Many Mics (The Fugees)
DEAD PREZ – Be Healthy
What’s the album you’ve listened to the most in your life? Do you still listen to it?
The album I listened to the most in my life is NAKAJIMA MIYUKI’s Aishiteiru to Ittekureand It still gets a spin every now and then. My parents used to play that record at home when I was a kid, it has a very special place in my heart.
What are some of your favorite song lyrics? Lyrics that have been important to you or that had an impact on you?
SAM COOKE – A Change Is Gonna Come
One of my favorite songs ever. My eyes tear up almost every time I hear it. An anthem for the civil rights movement, the lyrics are simple but very powerful and profound. The music arrangements are beautiful.
YUMI ARAI – Yasashisa Ni Tsutsumareta Nara
Very simple lyrics, yet poetic and fit the melodies and chord changes beautifully. Nostalgic, melancholic and hopeful all at the same time.
My parents were fans of Jacques Brel so I heard his music when I was very young. I liked this song for its vibe and its arrangements but I had no idea what the song was about until much later in my life. First I thought it was some kind of critique of society and how people just follow ‘the man’, because of the title… But then I found out that the song actually denounces the French military countryside whorehouses of the beginning of the 20th century, where soldiers were invited to have sex with prostitutes one after the other (hence the song title). Jacques Brel elaborates around the themes of sexual misery and the act of sex without love. The way it’s written, like many of Brel’s songs, is theatrical and pure genius.
TEKE::TEKE – Tekagami
Haha… Not gonna lie, I’m a big fan of (vocalist) Maya’s poetry! It’s very visual, subtle and deep. Always the right amount of darkness and light.
Do you have an absolute all time favorite band or musical artist? What makes them so special to you?
I really admire a band like VOÏVOD. Their determination, their honesty, their dedication, obviously their music. To me, they are a real success story and an inspiration. They’ve been around for so long, travelled the world time and time again, never got any help from grants and whatnot (of course not, their music is heavy and weird!) but they never complained, their motivation being strictly their passion for music and dedication to their fans, and became one of the most influential bands ever. On top of all that, they’re the sweetest, humblest, most genuinely kind human beings I’ve ever met.
What are your ten favourite albums of all time (all genres)? Name a standout track on each of these albums.
ENNIO MORRICONE – My Name Is Nobody – The Wild Horde
TOKYO KID BROTHERS – The Moon Is East, The Sun Is West – Motorbike
GEINOH YAMASHIROGUMI – Yamato Gensho – Yamashiro-bushi, Tanuki
YUMI ARAI – Hiko-ki Gumo – Hiko-ki Gumo
NAKAJIMA MIYUKI – Aishiteiru To Ittekure – Uminari
Various Artists – Oyoge! Taiyaki Kun – Oyoge! Taiyaki Kun
BAD BRAINS – I Against I – Re-ignition
VOÏVOD – Dimension Hatross – Tribal Convictions
FUGAZI – 13 Songs – Burning Too
The Music that shaped you
Answers by Hidetaka Yoneyama (guitars)
Do you remember the first time music had an impact on you?
Music has had an impact on me several times at different periods of my life. The further I can remember was maybe when my mother was vacuuming on Sunday mornings while listening to PINK FLOYD, that’s when I was in kindergarten. It was very different from the kids’ songs I used to sing. It was a special moment when I could feel the freedom of a Sunday morning, listening to long guitar solos mixed with the sound of a vacuum cleaner. Even now, if I listen to The Dark Side Of The Moon I can still feel a Sunday morning vibe.
Later on, when I was in elementary school, I discovered 70’s Japanese Folk music played by artists like KAGUYAHIME, KAZE, YÔSUI INOUE, IRUKA, SHIGERUIZUMIYA, WATARU TAKADA or YUMIARAI. That was all music from my parents’ generation. I was learning classical guitar at that time and that music made me want to sing with my guitar for the first time. I had found a new way to express myself.
I can also remember all the passion I had when listening to THE POLICE when I was about 14 year old. I loved the way all 3 instruments were played. I think I was addicted to The Police during my teenage years when blasting my walkman.
What were you listening to in elementary school?
When I wasn’t listening to 70’s Japanese Folk music, like a lot of children my age, the music our parents were listening to had a big influence on us. Some records that my mother owned and that I remember listening to were STEVIE WONDER, CAROLE KING, DIANA ROSS, QUEEN, ELTON JOHN, HENRI SALVADOR, JACQUES DUTRONC. Other than that, I was listening to all kinds of music that was played on Japanese television. My preferences were leaning more towards Funk and Rock, bands like GODEIGO or RC SUCCESSION, or soulful singers such as AKI YASHIRO or AKIKO WADA.
Then in high school? (Your favorite bands/records back then?)
During the early years of high school, I listened to THE POLICE a lot. Then I discovered the joy of playing Brazilian music. I was listening to all the popular artists such as JOÃO GILBERTO, ANTONIO CARLOS JOBIM, GAL COSTA, NARA LEÃO, CHICO BUARQUE, MARIA BETHÂNIA…but I always had a special admiration for BADEN POWELL. At the same time, I was also discovering artists like PABLO MOSES (a cassette tape that was playing often in my parent’s car), JEAN-LOUIS AUBERT, JEAN LELOUP and BJÖRK.
How much of that music is still a part of your playlists today? How have your musical tastes evolved since?
I still enjoy listening to a lot of those artists, especially PABLO MOSES, BADEN POWELL AND CAROLE KING. Then my interests also went to Trip-Hop, Post-Rock, Berlin Electronic music, Shoegaze and Dream Pop. For the last ten years, I’ve been curious about Japanese Experimental, Improvisation and Noise music of artists such as MASAYUKI TAKAYANAGI, PHEW, YOSHIHIDE OTOMO, SACHIKO M, and HIJÔKAIDAN.
What are some of the most memorable shows you’ve ever seen? What makes them stand out?
Being in Montreal, I’ve had the chance to see a lot of good shows. The most memorable ones are probably NOTWIST with all their delicate sounds mixed with Rock, TUNE-YARDS with the powerful energy and presence on stage, and also SLOWDIVE where I felt like a dry plant being watered. I also had the opportunity of seeing PABLO MOSES when I was in the south of France. I was so impressed with his sensitive voice over dramatical Dub music.
Is there any band that you’ve always wanted to see live but never had the chance to catch them? Any classic show that you wish you could have experienced?
I always wanted to see STEREOLAB live. They came to Montreal a few times but I missed them every time, I was always too busy. I like to watch a part of the show that MICHIRO ENDO did in 2011 in Fukushima just after the earthquake. He was more than 60 years old and I was moved by his power on stage to support all the victims. I wish I could’ve attended in person. I also wish I could’ve seen MATTHEW HERBET’s One Pig show in 2012.
What are some of your all-time favorite music books and/or zines, documentaries, biopics?
The music documentary I’ve watched the most in my life is Saravah. It was filmed by Pierre Barouh in the late 60’s, in Rio. In the film, Pierre Barouh and Baden Powell visit musicians in the city and just play with them. I also like a documentary called Tropicália about the Tropicalism movement.
Answers by Mishka Stein (bass)
Is there any classic / universally acclaimed artist that you missed out on when they first came out and discovered way later?
I definitely think that I’ve missed the boat on some acclaimed artists *haha* but I know I’ll open up to somebody’s world that I wasn’t ready for one day…NEIL DIAMOND perhaps or BIEBER *haha*. I do remember letting the sound of the 80’s enter my, before completely uninterested ears…DEPECHE MODE did that! I only discoveredPJ HARVEY with Let England Shake but that album is just so, so good. I discovered MF DOOM much later too. ARCA, BLOOD ORANGE, BLONDE REDHEAD were all artists I discovered late in their career, and I’m sure there’s tons more I’m forgetting.
Any artist that you didn’t like at first and learned to appreciate over time?
JAMES BLAKE. I think it sounded a little sterile and cold to me at first but then I was on tour with my close friend’s band and he had put on If The Car Beside You Moves Ahead. I remember laughing so much because I thought it was so beautiful. Maybe the zoomers had something to do with it 😉
Do you have an artist that you love in a genre that you don’t usually listen to? What makes them stand out?
I really enjoy LANA and her emotional directness.
Do you have any unpopular musical opinion that you would like to defend? Something that you love and yet can hardly find anyone to agree on how great it is.
I love STEVE REICH but I’m not allowed to blast it on our home stereo anymore, it drives my family crazy!
What band or artist do you believe has achieved the most flawless sequence of 3 records in a row?
Beverly Hills cop soundtracks? David Lynch? Led Zepp I-II-III, Floyd, Beatles, Marley, Tool, Radiohead, Beastie Boys, Timber Timbre, Daft Punk, Michael Jackson, Miles Davis, Coltrane, Kendrick, Gainsbourg…does classical music count?
Can you think of a band or artist that put out only one fantastic release (album, EP or demo) and then disbanded?
I think they put out more than one album but The Shape Of Punk To Come by REFUSED is incredible! THE RAPTURE comes to mind, I saw them open up for MARS VOLTA in NYC not knowing who they were and ended up leaving during Volta’s set , they totally stole the show!
Name an artist that you really wish would have kept going?
MAC MILLER, SOPHIE, BUCKLEY, MF DOOM, BIGGIE, TUPAC, PRINCE, JOHN LENNON (pretty certain he’d still be making dope music)
Is there a song that you would die to hear live but the artist/band never played it, every time you’ve seen them live?
I’ve never seen BOB DYLAN live but I wonder if he ever plays You Belong To Me.
When shows are being played again, who do you want to see live first?
It could be so many different artists but it would have to be something to make me move! You know, to get all the pent-up pandemic wiggles out of my system!
What albums have been on heavy rotation lately?
(Hidetaka Yoneyama)
TAMAR APHEK All Bets Are Off
DRAB CITY Good Songs For Bad People
What are some up and coming artists that you would recommend?
(Serge Nakauchi Pelletier)
What are you listening to right now, while answering these questions?
(Serge Nakauchi Pelletier)
The ambient sound of the city, kids laughing, occasional skateboard riding by, cop sirens… mixed with the wind blowing those huge trees just outside my apartment.
Is there anything (new album, tour) you would like to promote?
TEKE::TEKE’s album Shirushi is out now on Kill Rock Stars!
Also releasing a little surprise song and video in July as part of Kill Rock Stars 30th anniversary.
July 25th at Le Festif de Baie St-Paul
Aug 5th Festival Au Bout du Monde in Gaspé
Aug 14th Winnipeg Folk Fest
More show announcements to come.

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