The great thing about fests, is that you get to scratch a few names off of your list of bands to see at least once in your life. The 2019 edition of ’77 Montreal delivered in that sense and we got to see legendary Punk band The Exploited. We even got to briefly meet their equally legendary singer Watty Buchan. He’s been sticking to his guns and keeping the band alive for over 40 years now. In our minds, this type of dedication transcends fandom for a band and calls for for a deep, deep respect. While this interview is unusually short for the The Thanks List, as we only had a few minutes to talk, we couldn’t miss this opportunity. This is our tip of the hat (or rather of the mohawk) to this original Punk Rocker. May his middle finger to the system fly high forever.
Who are your top 5 favorite bands or artists of all time?What makes them so special to you?
SEX PISTOLS, the Bullocks album was special because that was what got me into Punk music. That was a big change in my life.
ALEX HARVEY BAND was a Scottish band. The guy is dead. When I was a kid growing up, he was a big influence because most bands in Scotland would sing with an English or American accent, trying to copy it. This guy sang with a Scottish accent, which is what I do. When I was 14, I looked up to him. Fucking fantastic band.
JAMES BROWN. Before I got into Punk, I used to listen to Soul music. He was fantastic. He grew up at a time when to be black meant you had to use different doors and all. He suffered of so much fucking racism against him and he got so much shit, he was so poor when he was young but he was so professional. You see his performance and they are fucking fantastic. 100% pure effort. To me, he’s an icon.
He might be the best performer of all time.
Easily. Easily. Then, I love the CURE. The first few albums are brilliant. The rest is shit but the early stuff up to Pornography is fantastic. The band DESTRUCTION from Germany, that was really good. There’s also this band called JOHNNY MOPED. They started in ’77. The guy can’t even sing, he goes “uh-aaah-ohh-aah” but I heard it and said “I can do that! I can’t sing but I can do that!” *Hahaha* So for me, that was a big influence, in terms of Punk singers. Last year, I went to see him for the first time. I had never seen him and he was support for the DAMNED. He still can’t sing but that’s Punk Rock to me. That first album was a massive influence on me. People like FAITH NO MORE and the CHILI PEPPERS, they are proper singers but me, people say “what the fuck are you saying?” But to me, that’s what punk rock is. If somebody thinks you’re shit, it doesn’t matter. If you enjoy what you’re doing, and you make somebody happy, that’s what matters. Fuck everything else. Same with the musicians. The guys in our band are good musicians but you don’t have to be the best players to be in a Punk band. We got a song called Sex and Violence, simple, simple song but it doesn’t matter where we go in the world, everybody sings it. We get people on stage, and it’s big thing for them. Something they will never, ever forget. That a big thing we can do with the band and to me, that’s what Punk means.
We wouldn’t be anything if people didn’t come and see us. I appreciate it. Even back when we started, you either liked the Exploited or hated the Exploited. It was too violent, too extreme for most people. But all these older punks, people in their 50’s now, they would come and still come to the shows. They supported us. If it wasn’t for these people, we wouldn’t have gotten to where we are because it was hard. Now, we get these young kids, young blood coming and seeing us for the first time and we all look after them. In the early days, we were young kids and older guys would look after us, make sure everything’s good.
What have you been listening to the most lately?
I listen to a lot of Gabber music. I’ve been listening to that for 25 years or so. Gabber music is like hardcore Techno. It’s extreme and to me, it’s like Punk. For me, Punk music is meant to be aggressive. Gabber caught my attention because it is extreme. You want to fucking smash something. It’s a feeling and that’s it. To me that’s great music, I listen to that a lot.
Other stuff I think is awesome…The band SUICIDAL ANGELS from Greece, they’re really good. DESTRUCTION from Germany, they’re really good. Great Speed Metal. They stood out.
I also listen to Trance, Pop, Reggae, Drum and Bass, Power Punk…a lot of stuff.
So mostly aggressive music?
Yes, even if I turned 62 two days ago!

What are some of the most memorable concerts you’ve seen in your life?
The best concert I’ve been to was AC/DC. I was 14 and watching Angus Young on stage, giving his 100%, that was impressive.
Some of the best bands I’ve seen live were EXODUS, fucking DESTRUCTION…BIOHAZARD, in the early 90’s. When they started, they were fucking unbelievable. Later was shit though but back in the day, that was fantastic. TWISTED SISTER as well was unbelievable. All dressed up. You see them and you know people will sing along “we’re not ganna take it”!

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