
Alicia Bognanno (Bully)

In 2013, a three piece Rock band hailing from Nashville showed up big with their first album Feels Like, and filled a void we didn’t even know existed. In 2017, their second album Losing was released without disappointment. Since then, we patiently waited for Bully to return, except this time it’s Alicia Bognanno kicking down the door and showing up solo with their new album Sugaregg. If you combine the force from Bully’s previous albums Feels Like, and Losing, you might come close to Sugareggs dynamism. An amplified unrivaled honesty, driven by Bogannos insistent guitars carry you through Sugaregg’s twelve songs. With this third album, it’s evident with songs like Every Tradition, and Not Ashamed, that Bully left it all on the table. While staying true to Bully’s signature sound, Sugaregg manages to show its distinction from its predecessors.

Sugaregg is available now, through Subpop Records.

Which music genre do you listen to the most? List your five favorite albums in that genre.
I’d say rock music because that’s what I’m around the most and exposed to the most on the road. I’m not sure what my favorite albums are but 5 albums I think are really great would be

LAND OF TALK – Some Are Lakes
BROKEN SOCIAL SCENE – You Forgot It In People
JAWBREAKER – 24 Hour Revenge Therapy

Who’s your favorite rapper of all time? Name one song that best exemplifies what makes them great.
My favorite rapper of all time right now is NONAME, I’ve been listening to her none stop. Everything she writes is so well written and she seems like a super genius. I love her delivery and how she doesn’t have to be all aggressive to get her point across. Self is one of my favorites from Noname. 

What’s the album you’ve listened to the most in your life? Do you still listen to it?
Either Pod by the BREEDERS or Surfer Rosa by the PIXIES and yes, occasionally I’ll still put it on. 

What are some of your favorite song lyrics? Lyrics that have been important to you or that had an impact on you?
The line “Do you believe in life after love” by CHER still blows my mind. 

What are some of the most memorable shows you’ve ever seen? What makes them stand out? 
When we played Bonarroo for the first time, it was my first time being at a huge music festival and I couldn’t believe I was a) there and b) playing at it. Everyone I saw perform that day was really inspiring just because it made me want to come back and play again except on a bigger stage – and we did!

Is there any band that you’ve always wanted to see live but never had the chance to catch them? Any classic show that you wish you could have experienced?
I would’ve loved to experience a SONIC YOUTH show because I heard they were unbelievable live. 

What is the most impressive band you’ve toured with? The one that you just had to watch every night? Did you learn anything from them/by watching them?
METZ were fantastic, they are so so tight on stage and their energy is unbelievable. We switched off closing everynight but everytime we had to close I was like “oh fuck now I have to follow that” haha they were also so nice and down to earth. 

What are some of your all-time favorite music books and/or zines, documentaries, biopics?
Hit so Hard by Patty Schemel was incredible, I read Just Kids by Patti Smith in a few days because it was very interesting, I also liked Girl in a band by Kim Gordon. 

Do you have an artist that you love in a genre that you don’t usually listen to? What makes them stand out?
Yes, that would be LUCINDA WILLAMS for me. I usually steer clear of Country music, it’s really not my thing but I think she is so amazing and am in love with Car Wheels On A Gravel Road. 

What albums have been on heavy rotation lately? 
NONAME – Room 25
LUCINDA WILLAMS – Car Wheels On A Gravel Road
THE SUGARCUBES – Life’s Too Good
SUGAR – Copper Blue 

What are some up and coming artists that you would recommend?
They are not so much up and coming but MANNEQUIN PUSSY, THE COURTNEYS, LAND OF TALK (she’s been around for a while but is recently releasing new music), PUP, ANNA BURCH, MOURN.

Is there a band that you’ve discovered live recently that blew you away?
Not recently because of quarantine but last year at SXSW, I was at a show where CHAI played and I loved it. 

What are you listening to right now, while answering these questions?
A Good Idea by SUGAR

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